


Awards setting

“Panda painting” outstanding nomination award: 20

“Panda painting” best creativity award: 3


“Panda painting” best creativity work •visual design award: 1

“Panda painting” best creativity work •fashion design award :1

“Panda painting” best creativity work •environmental design award: 1

Reward setting

The nominated works will get 1000Yuan and a certificate each and will be exhibited in 2014 Chengdu Creativity & Design Industry Expo and permanently collected by the organizer.

The best creativity works will get 10,000Yuan and a certificate each. And their creators will be invited to participate in the Creativity & Design Week with the works to be exhibited in 2014 Chengdu Creativity & Design Industry Expo and permanently collected by the organizer; and the creators will be interviewed and reported by journalists.

The aforesaid reward amounts are all after-tax.

The aforesaid rewards are granted by works, and the reward amount shall be allocated by the creator themselves.

PPCO will deliver the rewards (cash or check) and certificates to the applicants or their representatives designated in written. In case of multi-applicants, PPCO will deliver the rewards (cash or check) and certificates to the first applicant in the Application Form or his/her representative designated in written.

PPCO will publish the winner list by modern media such as the official website, microblog, WeChat, newspaper, TV, radio and internet after voting.